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주요 파트너사

사람과 기술 중심의 서비스, 변화와 혁신의 꿈을 현실로 만들어 가는 AOT KOREA



Simplify your BMS with Intelligent Wireless Cell Monitoring

* Highly Accurate.
> Voltage, Temperature and current monitored at each cell with 16-bit A/D
> Stage of charge, state of health processed at each cell
> Data collection in 'sleep-mode'

* Adaptable to cell form factor.
> Pouch, prismatic, and cylindrical cells.

* Wirelee communications.
> NFC (Near Field Communications) contactless technology.
> Synchronized measurements via connectorless bus antenna.
> Removes wires, harnesses, and connectors from the system

*** Please call us for more detail information. TEL : +82-2-400-2005