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사람과 기술 중심의 서비스, 변화와 혁신의 꿈을 현실로 만들어 가는 AOT KOREA



Data Center & Open Compute

Murata Power Solutions has a complete solution for Data Center deployments that utilize the Open Compute Open Rack V1 & V2 standard.

Murata Power Shelves are both flexible and configurable, come in true 21” OCP and 19” EIA rack widths and provide up to 15kW (N+1) of Titanium Efficient 12V DC power with multiple module options for ATS (input) redundancy, communication and battery boost/back-up. Murata power shelves can be used in conjunction with our Open Rack V1 & V2 (41OU) Equipment Racks to support both single and dual power zone configurations.